
5 Tips for Living Sustainably

It's important to consider how we influence our environment to try and preserve a safe, habitable world for generations to come.

What we do on this earth has a far-reaching impact that goes beyond our daily lives. It's important to consider how we influence our environment to try and preserve a safe, habitable world for generations to come. Even small eco-friendly changes can make a big difference in the long run!

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

It might sound cliché, but this tried-and-true strategy has persisted over the decades for a good reason. One of the best ways to cut down on waste and look after the environment is to think twice before buying. Ensure you're only buying things you really need. Buy used whenever possible, and remember to recycle unneeded items. 
This age-old mantra is especially true for disposable items; consider replacing disposable products with reusable ones when it comes to things like razors, water bottles, straws, storage containers, napkins, coffee filters, and more.

Save Energy Where You Can

There are numerous (surprisingly simple) ways to save energy around your home when possible:
  • Wash your clothes in cold water instead of warm and dry clothes on an outdoor clothesline during the warmer months 
  • Change light bulbs to LED or CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lights)
  • Install a smart thermostat to stabilize your home's temperature
  • Turn off your electronics when you're not using them and try to stick to streaming through your television, as gaming consoles use 15 times the energy to stream Netflix 
  • Weatherproof windows, especially for the winter—you'll save on heating

Ride Your Bike More

It's easier said than done, but riding your bike is a great way to get exercise and limit your daily fossil fuel usage. Those with longer work commutes won't be able to bike ride every day, but consider walking to the corner grocery store or biking to your friend's house in the next neighborhood instead of driving.

Eat Less Meat

No one's saying you have to go meatless or become a vegan, but if you want to live sustainably, you might consider being more "meat-conscious." The livestock industry is one of the most harmful to our planet, with cattle ranchers regularly decimating forests to create pastures. Not to mention the greenhouse gas emissions –– which equal as much as all trucks, cars, and automobiles combined
Plus, eating less meat is healthier for your body. Studies have shown that people who eat tons of meat are at increased risk for cancer, obesity, and heart disease. Start by limiting yourself to only eating meat a few times a week, and then start incorporating more organic vegetables and plant-based alternatives into your diet.

Go Paperless

Going paperless is a great way to limit waste, but it might take a little work on your part. Advocate for paperless options at work by starting an initiative to use online forms, scanners, email, and note-taking apps. 
At home, whenever you get your mail each day, consider taking a few minutes to look into your favorite catalog or magazine publisher to see if they have a digital subscription. Instead of trashing your junk mail and forgetting about it, recycle it and then look into removing yourself from their mailing lists!

If you are looking to live in a green community in Colorado, contact us today! Ambierre Rediger and the entire Peak & Prairie team would love to help you find homes for sale in Franktown, Castle Rock, Elizabeth, Parker, and Sedalia!

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