
Things to Know Before Hiring a Home Builder

When building your custom Colorado dream home, the project's success often comes down to hiring the right builder.

When building your custom Colorado dream home, the project's success often comes down to hiring the right builder. 
Choose wisely, and your home will be delivered on time, within budget, with the finish you desired, and all your wants and needs met with aplomb. Choose wrong — well, it's not something you want to consider.
Before moving forward with a home builder, due diligence is critical to ensuring you end up with option A.
With that in mind, here are three things to know before hiring a home builder.

Scope Out Area Builders

Your custom home is a reflection of your vision — your wants and desires in a Colorado forever home. The key to getting what you want from the project is finding a builder who can craft that vision.
Not every builder in your area can pull it off.
Take stock of builders who specialize in your preferred home type, the plot of land, or specific location. Seek out those who fulfilled their client's wishes and did so promptly, professionally, and within budget.
Take a tour around town to view a builder's completed homes to gain a feel for their craftsmanship and build style. Narrow down your list to three to five viable candidates.

Verify Their Bonafides

Treat this list as a golden ticket of sorts. You'll put your faith and trust in one of these groups to build your most significant and crucial financial investment.
Before you hire one of them, you'll want to know who you're dealing with.
Inquire about their insurance and if they're willing to provide you proof. Ask for and vet their most recent references. Depending on their build volume, a time frame of two to three years should be sufficient. 
Speaking of volume, research if a builder is mass-producing or limits the number of projects they oversee at any one time and their standing and license with the State of Colorado.
What you're looking for is integrity and a builder you can trust. A builder with an excellent reputation should be obvious to identify. Company information is easy to find, and they should possess a positive track record and a long list of satisfied clients.

Ready Yourself for the Interview

Prior to making a final decision, you'll want to interview your top three candidates. The interview is critical for ensuring you have a good feel for who each builder is, their values, their approach to your project, and how they'll manage your build.
Ask as many questions as it takes for you to be comfortable with a particular firm or decide if they're not for you. Some inquiries worth making include:
  • Will they work with your architect or design firm?
  • What do they propose for your project? What are their contractual terms?
  • Who oversees the build, both on-site and off?
  • How is communication handled? How are questions or issues addressed and resolved?
  • Which subcontractors do they use? How long have they used them? How are they vetted?
  • What is their anticipated time frame to complete the project?
  • When design changes are necessary, how and to whom is that communicated?
  • Should any part of the project potentially incur additional costs, how and to whom is that communicated?
Of course, this is just a small sample. You will also want to inquire about the specifics of your project — the lot, home style, allowances — to gain insight into which builder will best fit your needs.
Ready to build or buy your ideal custom Colorado home? Whether it's homes for sale in Castle Rock or historic Elizabeth real estate, allow the team at Peak & Prairie to be your guide to Denver and the best of Colorado. From acreage to new custom builds, contact Ambierre Rediger or Laura Rojas to start your search today.

If you’re considering building a home, you should contact a trusted adviser with experience in new home construction. As a real estate and interior design company, Peak & Prairie is well versed in everything you need to know about the process. If you're in Colorado and are looking for a company you can depend on, we'd love to meet you and hear more about your project! 
Browse our portfolio of new home constructions, and contact us when you’re ready to schedule a consultation

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