
Ways to Prepare Your Land for Building

Ready to build your custom Colorado dream home? As anxious as you might be to start construction, there is the small matter of preparing the land on which you plan to build.

Ready to build your custom Colorado dream home?
As anxious as you might be to start construction, there is the small matter of preparing the land on which you plan to build.
Long before laying the foundation and raising a single frame, you want to ensure it stands upon solid ground. Let's explore four ways to prepare your land for building your custom Colorado home.

Make a plan

Prior to moving any dirt, you want to establish a plan for how you wish that earth to be shaped. It's in these initial stages you make some of your biggest decisions.
  • Where on your lot to place the home (including the driveway).
  • Which natural elements stay and which to clear.
  • Will you need to add any natural elements to the land?
  • How will the utilities be connected?
  • Where does the sun rise and set in relation to the lot, and how do you want your home positioned to capture the best views?
  • How does the property drain in its natural state, and will it potentially be altered by new construction?
  • Are there any use restrictions or easements you may need to contend with?
  • Will you need to account for the installation of a septic system, a well, or other non-municipal services, or can you tie directly into city services?
Granted, you and your architect will take much of this into account during the design stage. But to ensure your project gets off to a smooth start, lay out all of the considerations for your land use before digging up a single mound of dirt. Conducting a survey (see below) will also answer a number of these questions before moving forward.

Surveying Your Lot

Evaluating your new home's location is a critical step in the home-building process. Surveying allows you to take stock of your lot's boundaries, current condition, history, and any possible issues impacting construction.
Additionally, a survey clears the way to acquiring the proper building and utility permits and will alert you to any building or zoning restrictions.
Depending on the survey results, you may have to reevaluate your home plans or construction timetable. Such is the importance of the survey. Making changes or accommodations now will save you considerable time and money later on.

Clearing Your Land

Once the survey is complete and construction is ready to move forward, it's time to finally move some earth. However, clearing your lot is not as simple as it sounds. Depending on topography and how much vegetation you need to remove, this step can prove costly.
If you are using a professional service, bid out the work to several well-respected firms to ensure you get the biggest bang for your buck. Consider all that needs to be addressed: uprooting trees, removing old structures or large boulders, and debris disposal (for items you don't plan to reuse).
Of course, you can do all of the above yourself. However, that route may take a considerable amount of time. Regardless of how you choose to clear the land, make sure you account for both the time it takes and what it costs in your overall plan.

Excavation and Grading

The final step before laying your home's foundation is excavation and grading. It's here that you'll shape the land into its final form before construction gets underway. If your home plan calls for a basement, excavation is far more extensive. But regardless of how much excavation is necessary, grading is an absolute must.
Leveling out your land is vital to ensuring a stable foundation, proper draining of your property, and avoiding costly future structural or water penetration issues. A well-graded property also makes the connection of utilities and pouring of your driveway much easier to complete.

If you're considering building a home, you should contact a trusted adviser with experience in new home construction. As a real estate and interior design company, Peak & Prairie is well versed in everything you need to know about the process. If you're in Colorado and are looking for a company you can depend on, contact Ambierre Rediger or Laura Rojas today. We'd love to meet you and hear more about your project!
Browse our portfolio of new home construction, and contact us when you're ready to schedule a consultation.

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